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About Us

Vertical Ascent Partners, LLC is a firm inspired by the tremendous focus, dedication, discipline and skill it takes to perform and execute in extremely demanding, complex, high intensity and high risk environments.

We are a dedicated team focused on growing partnerships with our existing private investors, predominantly through mandates from family offices both domestically and internationally.

Vertical Ascent Capital Management, LLC is our private asset manager with a diversified footprint across global capital markets.

We are active portfolio managers leveraging both traditional portfolio theory in tandem with advanced, proprietary analytics and investment strategies to achieve superior risk adjusted returns. We are strategically oriented with a dynamic tactical approach towards opportunistic situations.

Investment Strategy


We are dedicated to implementing the most effective and relevant investment strategies in the context of the prevailing market environment. While we respect certain strategies have proven successful historically, the ever changing market landscape reminds us that history is no guarantee of future developments.

We believe it is important to maintain a flexible framework from which to execute our market strategies that allows us to focus on optimizing our risk allocations for what will work, not simply what has worked in the past.


We highly value maintaining our agility in a dynamic market environment with little or no prescedent. We are proactive in our approach and conscious of how the changing regulatory environment has impacted markets at both the macro and micro levels.

With implications for both natural sellers and buyers across asset classes, the subsequent evolution for asset pricing and valuation has and continues to impact traditional and prevailing market structures and conventions. We believe a disciplined approach provides important visibility into market dislocations created through these transitions, and insight into the subsequent opportunities they provide.


We are committed to delivering on our performance objectives within the framework of a balanced and diversified risk management approach. Consistent, adaptive and disciplined execution reflect the core principles and drivers of our investment performance and success.

Market and portfolio risks are dynamic and constantly evolving which means the same is true for performance and returns. This keeps us laser focused on the transformation of risk and how it must be accounted for when calibrating our approach, optimizing our performance and achieving superior risk-adjusted returns.

Our Services

Our services reflect our dedication to holistic and balanced portfolio management strategies including proprietary risk management, market research, analytics and execution. Click here to read more about our investment strategies and risk management framework including both our qualitative and quantitative overlays.

To inquire more about our services, capabilities and solutions, please contact us and provide a brief overview of your situation and asset management needs.


We are currently building our team out in several areas across portfolio and risk management, risk analytics, quantitative developers and executive assistant positions. Vertical Ascent is inspired by the ability to execute consistently in the most challenging situations and scenarios. We are always looking for confident, capable, discliplined and experienced candidates to join our team.

If you are a qualified candidate, we look forward to hearing from you. Please email us and include a copy of your current resume or CV.

We are based in San Francisco with offices located globally, including Los Angeles, New York, London, Geneva and Hong Kong.